Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Wasn't sure if this was the place to put this but I just wanted everyone to know that dad is doing good. The dr said that when they got in there it looked like there was an old and a new injury. dr. also said that he might be at the hospital till friday, that they would see how he was doing tomorrow then decide. When I talked to dad he seemed to be doing pretty good, a little groggy but good.
Last night I think he wanted to get the bike out and take it out for a spin for last time for the next little while. So he asked Steadman and I to do. How can we pass up that offer? We are all hoping that he will focus on himself this next little while and get better. He is always thinking of others and never himself!!!! We are hoping for a speedy recovery!!! We love you dad!!!
I hope you all don't mind that I put this on here and I will continue to keep you posted. Thanks all the love and prayers in his behalf they have truly been felt I think not only by him but by us all.


  1. Thanks, Bree! This is exactly why I check this blog tonight! I'm so glad to hear things are going well, we'll keep praying. Love your papa very much!

  2. Glad to hear things are going okay. Hope he takes care of himself!!! Good thing he has such an amazing family! We'll be praying for him.

  3. Hey...He's not a Lady!!! Just Kiddin. I love your daddy mucho. You are right about him, always more concerned with others than himself. It's time for him now - - give him a big kiss on the cheek from his favorite littlest sister!!!
